Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Wonderful Birthday Celebration


Ok sgt surprise hokay...mmg pandai uols plan birthday party for party ke??? Ada cake tu kira party la kan...1st time kot birthday aku ada cake sebiji siap tiup lilin...biasanya cake beli 1 slice je...

Aku tak syak apa2 pun sbb aku mmg tau mumsky n heam bakal bz this weekend..aku mmg bajet akan sambut birthday dgn EJ je la...selama ni bday aku jatuh ok weekday..first time kot fall on weekend...sampai2 je Spring Garden nah penuh round table dgn cake lilin menyala..gulp rasa nak nangis jah tau *touched sesangat* ni mmg sweet sesangat tau...what else should I ask for when Allah gives me the most wonderful sis in the world... 

Ok the best part is...lepas semua dah selesai..we all dah balik rumah dah..tiba2 aku dpt call from my mum..aku dgn koya nye ingat mesti mak aku nak wish birthday..sekali melesettt...mak aku kata dia saje call, teringat kat aku..dia otw g Tok Bali..aihhh..aku pun kata la "ingatkan nak wish birthday"..mak aku "oooo birthday ina hari ni...Alhamdulillah..patut la duk teringattttt je hari ni...happy birthday la..ayah pun wish happyy birthday" hurmmm ok mmg mak aku jenis tak ingat bday anak2..fine ;p

P/s : Eh special rasanya birthday terakhir di usia belia..ada 364 hari lagi before turn into 3 series...

Yours Truly,

1 comment:

mrsRons said...

i'm so touched reading tis.. sob sob