Monday, May 14, 2012

Benefit of Dark Chocholate..

Serious hari ni terasa nak makan chocholate..bagi mengelakkan rasa bersalah makan choc, maka aku pun decide utk amik dark choc intead of milky white choc kan...haih..

Jom kita tgk apakah benefit dark choc for our health:

1. Good for your heart
2. Good for your Brain
3. Helps Control blood sugar
4. Full of antioxidants
5. Lower risk of getting cavities
6. Lowers Blood pressure

P/s : Tak bermakna kita bleh amik dark choc sesuka hati...ianya masih mengandungi lemak and kandungan gula yang tak sihat ;p

Sejauh mana kebenaran??? As we all knw, benda yg sedap mesti tak sihat kan?? Muahahahah....

Yours Truly,

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